Five years ago today this site went online after a day of changing the template to what I wanted. In that time I've reviewed a lot of books and have published 3 books and two anthologies. Those three books are Infinite Stars: Chronicles Books One and Two and Temporal Experiment (Temporal Universe Book One). The Two anthologies of which I have stories in are Shattered Time and Midnight oil. Shattered Time is where the Temporal Universe originated. And a little spoiler for it the Temporal Universe will expand with Book Two next June. Now as for everything else I know that we are still going through the Pandemic and I felt that it was time that I write the end of one of the spin off series that I had created for Infinite Stars. First yes the book that I am currently writing will be published second, when I don't have a definitive timeline for it's publication. The main reason why is because it costs to get the book edited. But I do have a great Editor Kim Huther and I wouldn't be able to publish with out her.
It's the 29th century and the voyages of the starship Lionheart continue. This book covers the years 2858-2862 a period of five years where we see the Lionheart head deeper into the unknown systems and during the first two years they are pulled into a small civil war within the Pirate Republic. Later they run into a nebula that has the last remaining Grays in this universe before returning home. Once home they deal with the tensions between the Dragon Empire and the Cenlen Federation before being christened the flagship of the Judicial Overseers of the Galaxies and dealing with a colony civil war then falling into a S'Phere trap.
Cheers to another Year and hopefully by the time this site turns 6 we'll be out of the Pandemic. Stay safe and stay well.
Thank you.