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Below are my current books in print and digital.

Infinite Possibilities: Chronicles, Volume One: 2853-2857 is first-rate sci-fi suspense. It’s the 29th Century and 94 percent of the galaxy has been explored and conquered. The Starship Lionheart, along with other massive space vessels, travels through time continuums and parallel universes. June 2853: The Starship Lionheart enters a parallel universe and fights the Grey Empire. Shortly after, the entire crew is blown out of that universe and into our present one, after destroying their foe. Captain Bontrk, who is a 820 year-old Mudisan and veteran of the S’Phere War, commands the Starship. Along with his first officer John MacLeod and seasoned crew at the helm, the vessel sets out on another mission. Discovering a space station in orbit around a second Earth, the Lionheart will embark on a perilous journey that will nearly take their lives and prove to be a battle to the death. Who will win power over the galaxy and what old enemies will Bontrk and MacLeod face during their mission? J

Infinite Stars: Chronicles Book One


It’s the 29th Century and 94 percent of the galaxy has been explored and conquered. The Starship Lionheart, along with other massive space vessels, travels through time continuums and parallel universes. June 2853: The Starship Lionheart enters a parallel universe and fights the Grey Empire. Shortly after, the entire crew is blown out of that universe and into our present one, after destroying their foe. Captain Bontrk, who is a 820 year-old Mudisan and veteran of the S’Phere War, commands the Starship. Along with his first officer John MacLeod and seasoned crew at the helm, the vessel sets out on another mission. Discovering a space station in orbit around a second Earth, the Lionheart will embark on a perilous journey that will nearly take their lives and prove to be a battle to the death. Who will win power over the galaxy and what old enemies will Bontrk and MacLeod face during their mission? 

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Infinite Stars: Chronicles Book Two

It's the 29th century and the voyages of the starship Lionheart continue. This book covers the years 2858-2862 a period of five years where we see the Lionheart head deeper into the unknown systems and during the first two years they are pulled into a small civil war within the Pirate Republic. Later they run into a nebula that has the last remaining Grays in this universe before returning home. Once home they deal with the tensions between the Dragon Empire and the Cenlen Federation before being christened the flagship of the Judicial Overseers of the Galaxies and dealing with a colony civil war then falling into a S'Phere trap

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Infinite Stars Chronicles Book Three

It’s the 29th Century. This book covers the years 2863-2867. Through these five years we see Commander John MacLeod first officer of the starship Lionheart get married. Admiral Kellyson go undercover on the Pirate Republic homeworld of Barbary. The tragic finding of the Joint Alliance Station and how MacLeod must deal with the part of his past where he was ordered to put a temporal core on both original stations and send them back in time to fight a war against the S’Phere 65 million years ago. The Lionheart also returns to the universe were they helped the Horizon station fight the Gray War only to find them in the middle of a bloody civil war. All this leads up to MacLeod and his wife leaving the Lionheart to command the starship Noble.

Temporal Experiment

The year is 2363, and the Earth Confederation launched their first time-ship the ECS Andrea commanded by Captain Joseph Dyson who is ordered to take the ship ten minutes into the future but the experimental engines throw the ship ten thousand years into the future. Once in 12,363 the Andrea picks up a signal from the Alpha Centauri colony and go and investigate but what they find there will surprise them. Thus begins their voyage back and forth through time encountering friends and an Empire bent on destroying them.

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Temporal Exploration

2364: The ECS Andrea has returned home after going back and forth through time. Commander Moore the ships Chief Engineer has perfected the time jump process and purged the main computer of the virus that sent the ship 10,000 years into the future. Now that they’ve returned the ECS Andrea undergoes a major refit before being relaunched. Admiral Lynch has ordered Captain Dyson and his crew take the Andrea back through time to gather information on the Human Empire. Their first stop is the Library where they first saw the Andrea hanging and the Librarian (the evolved human) who has been keeping her eye on them. Once that mission is complete even with the near detection of the Andrea, they head to an era where the Earth Confederation is in the middle of a civil war. Captain Dyson also learns that he and his crew are the only ones who can end it.

Shattered Time: Anthology

Have you ever wanted to travel through time? Or wondered if it was even possible? Welcome to the "Shattered Time" anthology, were you can escape from this reality, and travel through the minds of twelve diverse authors with unique stories of love, danger and death.


​Time’s Launch
The year is 2363, and the Earth Confederation launched their first time-ship the ECS Andrea commanded by Captain Joseph Dyson, the ships experimental engines move them ten thousand years into the future. 
By, Joe Pranaitis 

Out of Print & Digital
G.I. Joe
While searching for Cobra activity on the web Main Frame comes across a photo of The Baroness and Mindbender in South Chicago and alerts Duke who then calls upon Cover Girl, Beach Head, Jinx and Snake Eyes to investigate. The four Joes arrive in South Chicago only to find a secret Cobra base there, the Joes go up against The Baroness and her army of BATS as the Cobra officers make their escape, what will happen how far will the Joes go before they find out what Project Parasite is?
G.I. JOE: Mind Disrupter (Kindle Worlds Short Story)

While searching for Cobra activity on the web Main Frame comes across a photo of The Baroness and Mindbender in South Chicago and alerts Duke who then calls upon Cover Girl, Beach Head, Jinx and Snake Eyes to investigate. The four Joes arrive in South Chicago only to find a secret Cobra base there, the Joes go up against The Baroness and her army of BATS as the Cobra officers make their escape, what will happen how far will the Joes go before they find out what Project Parasite is?

Following the events of Mind Disrupter the Joes find themselves facing off against the Cobra scientist Mindbender again as he tries to redeem himself by creating Mini BATS a small robot the size of a microbe and able to penetrate the skin turning his test subjects in his test country England into uncontrollable savages causing their Prime Minister to declare Martial Law thus forcing the Joes to track Mindbender to Zartan's compound in the Everglades where a battle then ensues while the Joes orbiter the Defiant is launched to retrieve the Cobra delivery system. With the clock ticking will they reverse what Mindbender has done or will Cobra finally win?
G.I. JOE: Seeds of Destruction (Kindle Worlds Short Story)

Following the events of Mind Disrupter the Joes find themselves facing off against the Cobra scientist Mindbender again as he tries to redeem himself by creating Mini BATS a small robot the size of a microbe and able to penetrate the skin turning his test subjects in his test country England into uncontrollable savages causing their Prime Minister to declare Martial Law thus forcing the Joes to track Mindbender to Zartan's compound in the Everglades where a battle then ensues while the Joes orbiter the Defiant is launched to retrieve the Cobra delivery system. With the clock ticking will they reverse what Mindbender has done or will Cobra finally win?

G.I. JOE: Serpent's Tooth (Kindle Worlds Short Story)

Picking up where Seeds of Destruction left off we find Cover Girl and her team broken up to where Main Frame, Damon and Firewall are working on an anti-virus and trying to break Mindbender's command codes for the mini-bats. The Joe's are also forced to deal with the idea that Mindbender might have prepared more satellites with the mini-bats. Cover Girl and the Baroness fight it out again as the Joes take over the Cobra's northern Florida base but during their transport to the Joe's Orlando base after the fight both the Baroness and Mindbender escape but time is running out will Main Frame, Damon, and Firewall be able to break into Mindbender's command codes or will the Cobra scientist have the last laugh?

The 100: The Colonization Saga

It's five years since the 100 left the Ark and at that time Octavia and her group found and have begun restoring a city while the three other groups, one lead by her brother Bellamy at a military base not far from that city have created lives of their own. Octavia has made peace with the Grounders and now the time has come for the dying Ark to begin its final decent but a piece at a time. Clarke and Octavia and the other leaders of the camps meet at the military where Bellamy, who has plans of his own will then take matters into his own hands? Will the Ark begin it's decent or will Bellamy blow it out of the sky only Clarke can tell you.
The 100: Falling Parts (Kindle Worlds Short Story)

It's five years since the 100 left the Ark and at that time Octavia and her group found and have begun restoring a city while the three other groups, one lead by her brother Bellamy at a military base not far from that city have created lives of their own. Octavia has made peace with the Grounders and now the time has come for the dying Ark to begin its final decent but a piece at a time. Clarke and Octavia and the other leaders of the camps meet at the military where Bellamy, who has plans of his own will then take matters into his own hands? Will the Ark begin it's decent or will Bellamy blow it out of the sky only Clarke can tell you.

The 100: Ark Fall (Kindle Worlds Short Story)

More parts of the Ark come down but as this is happening Clarke leads a team to Mount Weather to make peace with the people there. Once she and her team are captured she meets the General, the commanding officer of Mount Weather and proposes that she can help them make a life on the surface of the planet. Later Clarke is then reunited with her team and a scout from Mount Weather is tasked with returning with them to the city but on their way out of the mountain they witness one of the parts of the Ark crash forcing them to rush back. Once again Clarke tells her story.

The Chronos Files: The Shattered Saga 

The Chronos Files: Alternatives Chapter 1 (Kindle Worlds Short Story) (The Shattered Saga)

The Shattered Saga opens up in the year 2430 and a new Chronos historian Rachel A. Coleman is ready to take her first jump into history but on her first day on the job she learns of a time locked timeline and meets a mad man Author Davenport who is bent on controlling the future and time itself. Coleman along her her sensor historian companion Amy Coon are thrust into the eye of the storm on the day that the Roman Empire was supposed to fall. Will they be able to rewrite the timeline in order to restore it or will the villainous Author Davenport take all of time for himself?

The Chronos Files: Alternatives Chapter 2 (Kindle Worlds Short Story) (The Shattered Saga)

The Shattered Saga continues as both Rachel and Amy arrive in 2150 at the founding of the Chronos Archives in Chicago and across the planet but upon arriving they find out that Martin is no longer with them but the both of them come up with and implement a plan to sneak in during the opening ceremonies as they do so they alert Davenport to their location and he and couple of his thugs show up and fight Coleman and Coon forcing them to return to their own time but knowing that the Chronos Key protects those that are wearing it from the time shifts into the alternate timeline they begin to track down a friend of Rachel's who traveled back to Chicago in 1996.

The Chronos Files: Alternatives Chapter 3 (Kindle Worlds Short Story) (The Shattered Saga) 

The Shattered Saga continues as Rachel, Amy, and Beth gain a new comrade in their crusade against Author Davenport. James Hale comes into the mix on Rachel's side with his temporal tactical know how the four of them devise a plan to ambush Davenport. After they do so Davenport gives them two clues on how they could stop him but not how to get to the Temporal Nexus where Davenport Prime oversees all of time. What will Rachel, Amy, Beth, and James do with this new information?

The Chronos Files: Alternatives Chapter 4 (Kindle Worlds Short Story) (The Shattered Saga)

The Shattered Saga continues as major events take place that put Rachel, Amy, Beth, and James in direct contact with an younger version of Davenport as well as a Temporal Shockwave that changes the face of the whole Sol system. Rachel finally confronts a Davenport who is unaware of his future self's plans and begins to ask him what he had in mind before the change in the time line and before he meets a version of his future self.

The Chronos Files: Alternatives Chapter 5 (Kindle Worlds Short Story) (The Shattered Saga)

The Shattered Saga continues as Rachel confronts a young version of Davenport only for him to vanish into the temporal nexus through the shockwave. While in the temporal nexus Rachel, Amy, and James come face to face with Davenport Prime. After escaping the nexus James follows Rachel and Amy back to 1969 and to the launch site of the Apollo 11 rocket only to turn on his friends and shoot at them. He chases both Rachel and Amy up the scaffolding stopping at the top where he shoots Rachel and kidnaps Amy.

The Chronos Files: Shattered Chapter 1 (Kindle Worlds Short Story) (The Shattered Saga Book 6)

The Shattered Saga continues after the events that crippled her Rachel and Beth meet up with two new time travelers from the English branch of the Chronos Archives. They are chased through time to the late twentieth century where they take refuge in a vacant hotel that has been closed to the small towns people for years. After they find a place to stay and make a base for themselves to fight the temporal war from Rachel and Davidson jump into the twenty-second century to get money and extra Chronos keys in order to make their hideout secure. Rachel continues to tell her story of her struggle to restore her original timeline.

The Chronos Files: Shattered Chapter 2 (Kindle Worlds Short Story) (The Shattered Saga Book 7)

The Shattered Saga continues as Rachel and Davidson return to 1985 and take stock in what they've come against. Davidson surprises Rachel by introducing her to a temporal commando team that has also been stranded in Davenport's changed timeline. She then asks that team to go to the point in time where Chronos has developed their own military force. But before they embark on that mission Rachel asks their tech to upload a virus to their key's so they can download it into the Chronos archives main computer system. Once again Rachel continues to tell her story.

The Chronos Files: Shattered Chapter 3 (Kindle Worlds Short Story) (The Shattered Saga Book 8)

The Shattered Saga continues as Rachel and Davidson listen to Gillan's story of their mission to the early twenty-third century. After listing to the tale Rachel and Davidson jump to that time but are captured by James and taken to meet the Emperor. Rachel confronts a temporal duplicate of Davenport but she finds out that her kidnapped companion Amy has been brainwashed to join Davenport in his efforts to control all of time. Once again Rachel continues to tell her story.

The Chronos Files: Shattered Chapter 4 (Kindle Worlds Short Story) (The Shattered Saga Book 9)

The Shattered Saga continues as Rachel and Vega along with her team travel to the point where time-travel had been invented at the JPL labs. As soon as they reach that point they are under attack by Davenport and his lackey James who tells Rachel that she is too late. But Rachel and her team travel back two days in order to talk to the creator of time-travel only to have the original machine go up in a temporal explosion. Vega and her team take Rachel two years a head only to find out that the fall out from that explosion takes half of the country. Once again Rachel continues to tell her story.

The Chronos Files: Shattered Chapter 5 (Kindle Worlds Short Story) (The Shattered Saga Book 10)

The shattered saga continues as Rachel along with Vega and her team attempt to close a temporal breach. As they close the breach they jump forward to the point where just before the temporal shockwave happens in 1996 to take down this timelines Davenport. Rachel changes her own timeline but not the one that she is trapped in but at the safe house in Washington D.C. she learns something that will force her to return to her friends who are in hiding a decade earlier. The temporal war heats up as this chapter comes to a close. Rachel continues to tell her story.

Midnight Oil: An Anthology

The worlds of multiple authors stalk in the shadows of the late-night hours of the Midnight Oil Anthology, a collection of stories highlighting tales of deception. Mingled with romance, horror, dark humor, and fantasy, this suspenseful collection of stories will have readers on the edge of their seats, biting their nails in worry, and unable to put it down until they know what happens next. The collection features works from both established and emerging authors, who were hand-selected for this project. 
The assembly of authors includes Joe King, author of the five-star rated meta-fiction hit Raw Egg, Taylor Floyd, highly-acclaimed fantasy author of A Nightingale’s Tale, romance-writing guru Sarah Stein, D.A. Roach, who is most known for various genres of YA novels but also writes series novels of horror and dark fiction, Joe Pranaitis, an acclaimed Sci-fi/Fantasy writer, Freya LeCrow, who has been an author for many years and has created many mystery and paranormal stories, Viv Drewa, a.k.a. The Owl Lady, who writes fictional murder, mystery, romance, and adventure books, Karen Vaughan—a humorous storyteller of murder and mystery, Southern Owl Publications publisher and author, Crystal L. Gauthier, and Skyler Rankin, the newest on the literary scene as an author of YA, paranormal, and mystery stories. 
All of these authors are of high caliber, and the Midnight Oil anthology is a collection of writing that has something for everybody. From thrills to chills and side-splitting shrills, this collection is sure to please readers of all tastes. For those who dare to turn its pages, just be sure to keep that midnight oil burning.

Crime Lord 

© 2016-2063 by Joe Pranaitis  created with

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