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Writer's pictureJoe Pranaitis

The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson

Author Shirley Jackson brings us the tale of Hill House and the experiences that Elinor Vance, Theodora, and Luke Sanderson have along with the man that brought them to the place Doctor Montague. At first this story read like the opening of the 1999 film The Haunting (this was the source material) but after the first half of the book and it's a short book to boot it goes off in it's own direction. Yes Elinor is the one that experiences everything but so done Luke and Theodora. The Dudleys are there and Miss Dudley dose say that they don't stay at the house after it get's dark at night they leave before it gets dark. I guess going into the book after watching the 1999 film and the Netfix series that I expected more scares. I did enjoy the book and I do recommend it to all Haunting fans but when you read it, don't do what I did and expect more from the visual medium to be in the book.

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