Authors Dave Galanter & Greg Brodeur bring us the last part of the tale of Maximum Warp. As the Enterprise is being bordered, Captain Picard and Spock have devised a plan to have the borders transport into the holodeck. As this is going on Riker, Troi, and Data along with their Romulan friend sell Riker and Troi in order to get a type of plasma that would mask the Enterprise while in Romulan space. Before the Enterprise makes it to the location where everything began they sent Captain Spock in his Romulan shuttle ahead to see if the way was clear. But Spock is taken aboard a Romulan warbird under the command of a former Tal Shair agent who knows that they need to stop the dead zones from happening. She tells her crew that under penalty of death that they have to follow her orders and those orders are to fire on an already disabled warbird. The Enterprise arrives and it's T'start that helps to convince Picard that they have to travel through null space to where a sphere lies at the center. Spock agrees and they enter it. I won't give away the ending but just say this it's worth the read. I highly recommend this book and the one prior to all Star Trek fans and science fiction fans too.
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