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Writer's pictureJoe Pranaitis

Sisterhood of Dune by Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson

Author's Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson bring us back to the Dune universe with Sisterhood of Dune taking place 83 years after the fall of the machine empire and the rise of the human imperium. As the story opens we find out that Vorian Atrreides has settled down on a planet on the far fringes of the imperium with a new wife and children whom he has been able to raise unlike those from his first wife during the years of the Jihad. As this is going on Reverend Mother Raquella has been trying to get those of her order to ascend has she has into other Reverend Mothers. While on a distant planet the Menta school run by the only human to have lived with the thinking machines and not be used for experiments Gilbertus is forced into a bind thanks to that planet being the home for the Butlarian movement. He has the brain of one of the thinking machines of which he hides but he takes risks with it in trying to build a new body for it at his cabin. The butlarian leader Manford has his heart and mind set on ridding the empire of the last of the thinking machines while he reads from the books written by the one that Gilbertus has hidden. Events are set into motion and the Vanhold spacing fleet and their navigators can see the future and know that the coming conflict with the two ideas of civilization will turn the empire in on itself. And thanks to the Butlarian teachings Reverend Mother Raquella's graddaughter has found out that the planet that was home to the Bene Gesserit sisterhood has computer with breeding records. There is so much that took place in this book and even we know the outcome down the line I am still looking forward to reading the next book in the schools of Dune trilogy and I highly recommend it to all science fiction fans.

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