Author Linda Watkins brings us the tale of Brooke, and her daughter Tessa and their dog Petey as they move into a small town on the border of lake Michigan. The prologue begins with a squirrel who takes in some contaminated water and who goes and spreads it to other squirrels in their nests and it continues on. While that is happening Brooke and her daughter move into their new home close to where an old chemical planet closed down. One night while their out Tessa rescues a baby squirrel but they notice something different about it like its eyes have turned red. Eventually they let the baby go back out into the wild but not before Tessa is attacked by other squirrel and is taken to the local hospital. Brooke then makes sure that her daughter is slowly getting better before she is shipped off to her ex-husband. Then it all comes crashing down on Brooke and Petey after Tessa has gone to be with her father for a while. I won't spoil the book but I can say that this was a great read and one not to be missed. I highly recommend it.