Author L.A. Graf brings us the opening tale of the Janus Gate trilogy with Present Tense. Taking place right after the events that happened at Psi 2000 (ST:TOS: The Naked Time) Captain Kirk orders the Enterprise to pick up their servery team on the planet Tlaoli where that team has found out that the planet has nineteen crashed starships below its surface. There is also a missing team that went to explore a cave and Kirk and Uhura along with Chekov go and bring them out but along the way they stumble onto an alien transporter. This transporter has regressed Kirk to before he even joined StarFleet Academy while his father George Kirk was second in command of the Enterprise under Captain Robert April. That same transporter also made Chekov lose some of his memory plus this explains why Khan would know him in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. But as the book comes to a close we find out that it has transported an alternate timeline version of Sulu back to the past. This is an interesting star trek book and the beginning of a trilogy which I am looking forward to reading books two and three. I highly recommend this book for all star trek fans.