In this quick reads or junior novelization of the 1994 film we get a quick but still fulfilling retelling of an early draft of the script. This book begins with Captain Kirk now retired from starfleet making an orbital dive and thinking about why he retired from starfleet even though he is feeling his age. At the launching of the Enterprise-B he is has to make sure that the ship survives its encounter with an energy ribbon called the nexus. Eighty years later Captain Picard is promoting his tactical officer Worf to the rank of Lieutenant Commander when he receives a call from Earth about his brother and his nephew. After that the Enterprise-D gets a distress call from a solar observatory. From there the book follows the film up until Kirk and Picard come out of the nexus to stop a madman from destroying a star in order to get into the nexus but it still ends with Riker and Picard beaming up to the recuse ship. If you're looking for a fast read of one of the classic movies then pick this one up.